Picked this up because I liked the program on the home website. After migrating my original work over, I noticed a few issues. First, I noticed that it continuosly number my panels. In essence, instead of labeling the panels 1 ~ 9 and then starting over at 1 when a new page started, it would just keep going. Nothing too big, but something I figured would go away once I stayed in the program and didnt import anything. Well this turned out to be not the case. It would still do that for new files, even ones that I saved locally. So I figured this was something I would have to live with.
Of course that was just the first of my problems. When I go up to edit, I find that this program has removed spaces between paragraphs leading the format to go from <End sentence> Paragraph <Panel X> to <End sentencePanel X>. This is frustrating because this isnt contained to just the start of a new panel. It does this with characters and catptions as well. Futhermore, I have found that this program regularly deletes parts of sentences. This wouldnt be so bad if not for the fact that I like to list the size of the panel right after the panel number. This so happens to be one of the spaces that happens to be deleted, making me waste more time trying to figure out how big the panel was.
Overall, Im switching to a different program. Now. Not when Im finished, but now. At first I thought this was gonna be a half way decent program, but no. It does things without permission and its also a fairly bare bones program as is. Just avoid this program unless you wanna end up disapointed. The one positive in all this is that is cloud enabled, which is pretty nice. But outside of this, its a waste of money